Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i'm a crankface.

i'm sick. mister man didn't walk the dog (LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD) because he was "busy" playing on the computer. and then i tried to baste my stupid quilt for the stupid wedding and I AM COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF GETTING THE BACK TO GO ON NICELY. but now it's all spray basted with small little wrinkles all over it, and I AM SO ANNOYED. in fact, so annoyed that i threw my iron, and now it's broken, which is beyond moronic because i loved that little iron, and it worked so well, and it didn't make me feel better and now i'm sick and annoyed and have to replace my iron. adsoiagrhreajafds;lfdsaldsa


  1. Have some tea and a nap.

    Then go get a new iron.

    *hugs* Some days just go like that. :(

  2. I'm sorry to hear that, honey. <3 Feel better.

  3. awww, thanks! meg: i've had so much tea the last few days, it's getting ridiculous!

    e: hopefully you don't have my germs already. :(

  4. Um, yes. I heartily agree. Although I threw in the towel early yesterday and feel great now, so hopefully that'll do the trick?
