Monday, June 22, 2009

if i make it through the next few weeks with any shair, i'll be happy...

because it's at that annoying length (in the growing-out process) where it is just long enough to ALWAYS be in my eyes, but not yet long enough to tuck in behind my ears. :( (so i might chop it all off with the kitchen skizzors, although my hair darling would KILL me)

also, my allergies are annoying.

and finally, i've been eyeing (eying? anyhow) a cathedral windows tutorial for some time now and figured out that it would really only take me 13 yards or so of fabric to make...and i kind of might have picked some out. because i don't have enough projects on the go.

also, progress was made tonight and will be made tomorrow night during my forced stitch n' bitch n' trashy tv nights on the february lady sweater, which i will reiterate had better damned well be fabulous when it's finally done.

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