Sunday, February 27, 2011


but fun. look!


flea market'd today, and it was AWESOME. i've been thinking a lot about wedding registries, and about how the only thing that i really want is a mix master, and VOILA. i even bargained. cleverly, since i'd only actually brought $10 in cash with me. muahahaha! it works and everything, and has TWO different bowl sizes. i'm in business! so long as i can find somewhere for it in the cupboard, since mister man has already given me notice that it won't be staying on the kitchen table. *pout*!

ps--sorry for the crappy photo, too lazy to go find an actual camera, and my cell phone doesn't love the indoors.

Friday, February 25, 2011

i ♥ my serger

it's teensy and cute and it makes me feel like a real sewer to even actually have a serger. i inherited it from a friend's mum on long term loan. and it just makes me happy. fixed up a few shirts today (with the serger, obvs), and put my sewing room more or less back together, which is nice. i might even get back to some actual sewing time in.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

so this one time, my LYS totally tricked me

by having this 20% off sock yarn sale. which would normally have been fine, but one of the girls from work called me after work, and left me a voicemail message at work (she leaves before I do) to tell me about this sale, which i otherwise would have missed completely. and being that my plan for next year is that EVERYONE on my list is getting socks, twenty percent off isn't a bad deal. in fact, it's such a good deal that i bought yarn for about 15 pairs of socks. because i'm clearly completely insane. but at least now i'm all set for christmas. in the first week of february. teehee!